CDPAC - UPC Barcelona
CDPAC. (Centre de Documentació de Projectes d’Arquitectura de Cataluny).
Yes that was català ..
In english it’s Documentation Centre for Architectural Projects of Catalonia.
It’s an ambitious project of the ETSAB Architecture faculty at the UPC where i’ve worked and studied.
The project is about scanning and cataloging all valuable architectunical projects in catalunya.
Sounds boaring ? It is.
But if you will BROWSE the database, you can also find scans of original Gaudì drawings ,which I had the privilage to see.
Anyhow, I made the website Design (Old SKool Flash) and DB integration Etc. Etc.
(which they have changed since … it was in 2001, so all I have left is this screenshot.)
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About CDPAC - UPC Barcelona